
AO Exam

AO Recruitment Examination, 2005 Nov sample question


Recently there has been a trend in the society for “slimming” and “detox”. Many healthcare products emerged in the market. Many people in society are concerned about this trend and the potential danger of the healthcare products because of the lack of regulations from the government. The healthcare product industry objects to further government regulations arguing that this would interfere with their freedom of trade. You are the assistant secretary of the Ministry of Public Health.

任務一 (請以中文作答) 任務:替局長草擬一份演講辭(議題:社會上的瘦身風氣以及政府對保健食品的監管)於立法會專責小組內發表,陳述政府現行政策及相應計劃。以下為局長透露的要點:

1. 局長對此並無特別立場
2. 臨近選舉,政府不想對政策作出太大變動;局長並不打算尋求連任,因此不想為下任局長作特別承諾,但亦不想拖延問題
3. 局長本為一名西醫,相信甚麼都是「基於證據」,但中醫條例已括免「基於證據」的條件;他個人認為健康與麻木追求瘦身排毒有很大分別。
4. 外國經驗對處理保健食品並無良方,而立法會亦不會接受模稜兩可或不具體的建議。

Task 2 (Please complete in English) Task: The speech at the Legco created quite a stir in the society. The Prime Minister is unhappy. He wants to review the existing policies regarding regulations of healthcare products. Write a proposal to the Minister of Health comparing the different regulatory frameworks in other countries. Discuss the pros and cons with each of the different arrangements and decide the best option. Explain clearly the reasons behind the decision.

任務三 (請以中文或英文作答) Task 3 (Please complete either in English or Chinese) Background:
A rich man is willing to sponsor a campaign to promote healthy lifestyle without “slimming” and “detox”.


The campaign must be very different from what the government has tried to do in the past
The campaign must not offend any people or organisations in the society


Write an action plan, in point form, outlining the activities of the campaign.

以上是我五年前參加過的 AO Recruitment Examinaion 的題目。 今年再接再厲去考天才,當然不復當年勇,不要說思維,就連寫字也手震震,哈哈哈!!! 坐巴士去到老遠的觀塘某半山學校考試,一看見今年的考試題目便沒有心機,寫兩隻字就交卷。十萬個不願意去考試,但一想到此公開試是免費的,還是告訴自己千萬不可以錯過!

晚飯跟女友慶祝她又 pass 了一個考試,這個消息對我們來說實在太開心,証明一直以來努力的日子是沒有白費的! 晚飯後在 APM Christmas shopping, 天呀,觀塘這個地方實在太多人了!!! 我真的很怕這樣多人的地方,不過比起元朗市區,觀塘又來得好一點點,只是一點點而已。

想起最近路經元朗市區,才發現那裡四周都是賣串燒的店鋪,我們逛著逛著,肚子餓了,就在一間叫做「妙舒」的小食檔坐下來,這裡什麼小食都有,茶葉蛋、燒賣、碗仔翅、串燒等等,而我們叫了這裡超美味的日本燒蕃薯、還有惹味鴨腎、雞肉串燒,至於咖哩魚蛋就普普通通,縮水得來又太麻辣,吃不到咖哩味道。 下次有機會也要試試隔壁一間叫「串皇」的小食檔,眼見兩間店舖客似雲來,想必也是同樣出名好吃。

之後女友帶我到「 B 仔涼粉」對面的「泛後甜品」吃糖水,不錯不錯!!! 攬住個肚離開,在附近隨意逛一逛,惡夢就這樣開始了。 可能老人家佔元朗的人口比例比較高一點,整條街大部份的都是要湧進「恆香」跟「榮華」買老婆餅的老人家 ; 而元朗的老人家又比起其他地方的老人家強得多,只要你稍為阻擋了他們的去向,他們就能像韓國人一樣把你推開。 爛佬潑婦也不及恃老賣老的老人家,禮讓他們是天公地義,不排隊、爭先恐後、估你便宜,又唔可以話番佢地,所以,又還原到最基本個 point – 由細到大的教育真的很重要!

